Empowering Communities with Knowledge!
The Alokaya Counselling Centre, in collaboration with the Divisional Secretariat Office, Kesbewa,…
Shifting Mindsets Through the Power of Theatre
‘Street Drama,’ an impactful initiative under the UNFPA EPZ project, supported by the People of…
CSE session at NIBM
Recently, the Youth of FPA Sri Lanka held a full-day Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)…
HIV PreP & PEP – a new defence against HIV!
This past year, 2024, has seen an alarming increase in new HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) cases…
Expanding Access in the Central Province
We marked a significant milestone with the signing of the lease agreement with the BOI for the…
Mental Health During Adolescence: Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster
The adolescence period is a critical transition period from when a child transitions into an adult…
Menstrual Health Training
The CAAPP Project's first activity of the year was a Training of Trainers (TOT) programme on…
Family Planning and Reproductive Health Training for Medical Students
A teaching session on Family Planning and Reproductive Health was recently held at the FPA Sri…
The Gynaecological visit – what to expect?
A visit to the gynaecologist can be a daunting task that many women tend to put off for fear of…
Aligning Efforts for Greater Impact!
The SKPA-2 programme Sub Recipient FPA Sri Lanka, in collaboration with SKPA-2 Principal Recipient…