SPRINT IV Project - Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme in Humanitarian Settings
Project Period – 1st January 2024 – 31st December 2024Project Overview:Emergencies, particularly…
Funeral Notice - Mr. Omal Sumanasiri
It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of Mr. Omal Sumanasiri, who served on our Board…
What should I do if I feel pressured into sex or sexual activity?
If you've ever felt pressured to engage in sexual activity even though you didn't truly want to,…
ReproSex 2024: Shaping the Future of Sexual and Reproductive Health
The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka will host ReproSex 2024, the International Conference…
IPPF Delegates at FPA: Strengthening Partnerships and Advancing Impact
On the 11th of November, we had the privilege of hosting delegates from the International Planned…
How to Talk About Condoms with Your Partner
Talking about condoms can feel awkward, but it's an important conversation to have. Condoms are the…
Strengthening Crisis Response: MISP Training for Navy Officers at the Naval Base in Trincomalee
One of the five MISP trainings under the SPRINT project was successfully conducted by the Outreach…
Yes? No? Maybe? – The rules around sexual consent
Consent is an important part of any relationship, especially one which is a sexual relationship.…
FPA Sri Lanka participates in the UN Sri Lanka Walk for 16 Days of Activism Against GBV
Violence against women is one of the most widespread and pervasive violations of human rights…
"Sri Lankan Narratives on Menstruation": A Powerful Art & Photo Exhibition Challenging Stigma
The CAAPP Project hosted the "Sri Lankan Narratives on Menstruation" art and photo exhibition from…