Understanding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is a common hormonal imbalance affecting approximately 1 in 10 women of reproductive age. It…
IPPF Strategic Fund: Sex Worker Policy Consortium
Project Period: November 2024 – November 2026The Sex Worker Policy Consortium is poised to be at…
World Mental Health Day: Prioritizing Well-Being in the Workplace
This World Mental Health Day, on the 10th of October, the global theme is “Mental Health at Work,”…
"Mental Health Matters" – A Q&A Session with Clinical Psychologist Mr. Susil Premarathne
As part of FPA Sri Lanka’s Alokaya Counselling Centre sessions in honour of the upcoming World…
Sensitization Programme for HRM Staff at Koggala EPZ: Addressing SRH and GBV Issues under the UNFPA EPZ Project
Recently, a sensitization programme for Human Resource Management and administrative staff from…
Alokaya Counselling Centre Partners with Castle Hospital Fertility Clinic to Support Couples
The Alokaya Counselling Centre is proud to collaborate with Castle Hospital's Fertility Clinic,…
Have you checked your breasts this month?
Breast cancer is the commonest cancer affecting females both globally and in Sri Lanka. The…
Expanding Reach: 9th Service Delivery Point Launches in Moneragala!
We are thrilled to have successfully launched the Monaragala Suwa Sewa Centre, our newest Service…
Endometriosis: what you should knowAlthough endometriosis can be challenging to diagnose, it…
FPA at the Sex Work Consortium Initial Meeting in Manila
The Sex Worker Policy Consortium is an innovative coalition of global, regional, and national…