Capacity building workshop for students of Law and Human Rights
The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka conducted a capacity building workshop for students of…
Religious programme at FPA Sri Lanka
A religious programme was held on the 14th of June at FPA Sri Lanka headquarters with the…
Contraception after delivery
After you have a baby, birth control may be the last thing on your mind. However, it is important…
Adolescent self-harm: an overlooked tragedy
While a troubling statistic for parents to hear, research has found that nearly 1 in 5 young people…
Maternal Health
What are some common health issues that affect new mothers?Vaginal painEven after a relatively easy…
Pregnancy Tests
In this section :1. How does a pregnancy test work?2. How accurate are pregnancy tests?3. How soon…
How Do I Talk With My Partner About Std Testing?
It can feel awkward to bring up STD testing, but it’s important. Talking about getting tested shows…
How Does Std Testing Work?
STD testing can be quick, painless, and sometimes even free. STD testing isn’t usually included in…
The UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health (APPG on PD & RH) conducted a study tour to Sri Lanka which took place from the 11th – 17th of November.
The cross-party UK Parliamentary delegation had a series of meetings with Government and Non-…
SPRINT III Project from July to December 2017
Activities carried out were:The development of an M & E Plan to make sure its compatible to…