Vaginal itching and discharge
What causes vaginal itching and discharge?Vaginal itching and discharge can be caused by several…
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among men, affecting the prostate gland,…
Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the testicles, which are part of the male…
Enhancing Access to Contraceptive Information
The Social Marketing Programme team participated in the All-Island Private Pharmacy Owners…
Training of Peer Trainers on ‘Drug Use in Sexualized Settings’ in Sri Lanka
Chemsex, or sexualized drug use, is an emerging public health concern in Sri Lanka, particularly…
Conference Videos Publishing and Promoting – International Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health
TITLE: Consultant of Conference Videos Publishing and PromotingPERIOD: March to September 2024 (7…
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (IPPF Projects)
We are looking for a motivated and dynamic Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Officer with…
NVQ Course Development Workshop
The National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Course, a collaborative effort between the National STD…
Navigating break ups and moving on: Protecting your mental and sexual health
Regardless of age, gender and sexual orientation, the highs and lows of any relationship can be…
Consultancy | Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Training and Youth Club Formation
Background: The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka (FPA Sri Lanka), in partnership with RFSU…