How to Talk About Condoms with Your Partner | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

How to Talk About Condoms with Your Partner

Talking about condoms can feel awkward, but it's an important conversation to have. Condoms are the best way to prevent pregnancy, HIV, and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In fact, they are the only method that can protect against all three. Here’s how to talk about using condoms with your partner in a comfortable way.

When Do You Need a Condom?

Condoms should be used for vaginal, anal, and oral sex. They're necessary whether you're having sex with a partner of a different gender, the same gender, or multiple people.

Why is it Important to Talk About Condoms?

Not everyone is comfortable using condoms, so it’s important not to assume your partner will be willing or prepared. Talking about it makes sure you both agree on the choice, which is also part of giving consent to have sex.

Who Should Bring Up the Topic of Condoms?

Both partners should feel responsible for discussing contraception, not just one person. In some cultures, it may be more difficult for women to bring it up, but it’s important that both people share responsibility.

How to Start the Conversation About Condoms

It’s normal to feel embarrassed, but there are ways to make the conversation easier:

  • Bring it up early: Talk about using condoms before you get physically involved. This way, you won’t be caught up in the heat of the moment and will know what to expect.

  • Ask questions: You can ask things like, "Do you use condoms?" "Do you have any with you?" "What type do you like—flavored or textured?"

  • Explain why you’re talking about it: Reassure your partner that it's not about distrust—it's about care and protection for both of you.

  • Be clear and direct: Tell your partner that you’ll only have sex if you both agree to use a condom for protection.

  • Plan together: Decide who will provide the condoms and where you can get them.

What to Do If Your Partner Doesn't Want to Use a Condom

If your partner isn’t interested in using a condom, here are some ways to encourage them:

  • You can still enjoy great sex with condoms: Share how condoms can be fun, like using flavored or textured ones, and how they help you both relax without worrying about health risks.

  • Condoms show care for each other’s health: Using a condom shows that you care about your partner’s well-being and your own.

  • Condoms are safe and easy to use: Let them know there are no health risks to using condoms, but not using them could lead to unwanted pregnancy, STIs, or HIV.

  • Condoms are affordable and accessible: Condoms are available for free at government clinics, at the FPA Sri Lanka clinics and via their online store ( and they’re also sold at most supermarkets and all pharmacies.

  • Challenge any myths: Some people have misconceptions about condoms, like thinking they’re not "manly" or will reduce the pleasure aspect of sex. You could try to explain that they’re not true.


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