Our News | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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The Outreach Unit conducted an Advocacy Program
The Outreach Unit conducted an Advocacy Programme in Kandy on the 30th of May. Participants included Factory Managers, Human…
FPA Sri Lanka celebrates International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDHOT)
The International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobiais is observed on May 17th and aims to raise awareness of…
Badly affected by the floods and landslides that occurred last week
The districts of Colombo, Gampaha, Ratnapura, Puttalam and Kegalle were badly affected by the floods and landslides that occurred…
District Training's on Minimum Initial Service Package
District Training's on Minimum Initial Service Package in Emergencies (MISP) The SPRINT Initiative (Sexual Reproductive Health…
Sensitization Workshop for Legal and Law Enforcement Sectors
Sensitization Workshop for Legal and Law Enforcement Sectors FPA Sri Lanka held a Sensitization Workshop for Legal and Law…
World Health Assembly Adopts SDG-Related Measures The 69th annual meeting
World Health Assembly Adopts SDG-Related Measures The 69th annual meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA), the governing body…
Training of Community Role Models FPA Sri Lanka
Training of Community Role Models FPA Sri Lanka held a three-day training workshop, which is the main workshop targeting the…
Officially unfolding the new Strategic plan at the National Council Meeting
The 151st meeting of the National Council of FPA Sri Lanka was held on Saturday the 14th May 2016 at the Kingsbury Hotel, Colombo…
The Commission on Population and Development opened its 49th session
The Commission on Population and Development opened its 49th session on April 11, 2016 under the theme: "Strengthening the…

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