Global / Other | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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Global / Other

IPPF Adopts New Strategy as it Celebrates its 70th Birthday
IPPF, the world’s largest sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) organization, is celebrating its 70th birthday by embracing a new and bold global…
IPPF endorses pleasure-inclusive sexual health via the Pleasure Principles
Ahead of World Sexual Health Day on 4 September 2022, the theme of which is Let's talk pleasure, the world's largest sexual and reproductive healthcare…
Strengthening the capacity of young LGBTQIA+ community members
Members of the Queer or LGBTQIA+ community in Sri Lanka face violence, stigma, discrimination and continue to experience intimidation, harassment and abuse at…
Fighting for safe abortion access in Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka, abortion is so severely restricted that people who cannot afford high-quality services, either in the country or else abroad, are forced to risk…
WHO congratulates Sri Lanka for eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV, Syphilis
The country has not reported any case of mother-to-child transmission of HIV since 2017 and its congenital syphilis cases has consistently been two per 100 000…
ICPD 25 years later
This year marks the 25th anniversary of International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD)– a defining moment for sexual and reproductive health and…
Women Deliver Conference 2019
Despite some progress, real change has been too slow for most women and girls in the world, and we see significant pushback in many places against their…
Eight ways you can be a women’s rights advocate today, and every day
Whether you’re talking to your friends and family, or engaging with an advocacy organization, the most important way to be an advocate is speaking up. By…
Tips for Parents after a Traumatic Event
Compiled with permission by the UNICEF South Asia Counseling Section from ‘Caring forKids After Trauma, Disaster and Death: A GUIDE FOR PARENTS AND…

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