Sexual and Reproductive Health and allied services | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Sexual and Reproductive Health and allied services

FPA Sri Lanka strives to meet the needs of the under-served, the poor and young people for sexual and reproductive health information and services and facilitates access either by direct provision or referral to sexual and reproductive health information, education, services and training regardless of age, sex, marital status, ability to pay, ethnic origin, political and religious belief, disability, sexual orientation, health status or any other factor that could make an individual the object of discrimination

Family Planning

Contraceptive consultations and services to increase the uptake of suitable methods of contraception to reduce the risk of an unplanned and unexpected pregnancy.




  • Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP - Mithuri),
  • Implants - Jadelle (5 years)
  • injections - the 3 monthly Depo Provera

Non Hormonal

  • Intra Uterine Device containing Copper - Loop (for 10 - 12 years)
  • Intra Uterine System containing Levonogestrel Hormone - Mirena (5 years)
  • Male Condoms
Sub Fertility Clinic

We offer services to couples who are suffering from sub-fertility by providing fertility awareness, fertility scans including follicular tracking, ovarian stimulation by medication, Seminal Fluid Analysis (SFA), tubal patency tests and Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI). This clinic is supported by two eminent Gynaecologists who offer specialist consultations

Gynaecology Services

Wide range of gynaecological services including, menstrual problems, vaginal discharge, menopause, bladder dysfunction, abdominal pain etc.

Sexual Health Clinic

The clinic provides services to all who suffer silently with problems related to sexuality - impotence, premature ejaculation, loss of libido (reduced desire), vaginismus (pain during sexual intercourse) and many other issues.


Ultrasound scanning is available for you by appointment for a gynaecology and other scanning facilities including  scanning including abdominal, trans-vaginal, breast, fertility and foetal anomaly scans etc.

Cancer screening

Breast check - Consultations on risk factors and how to avoid these, manual breast examination by female doctors and self-breast examination is taught and encouraged. Referral if necessary for scans and mammograms to exclude any pathology.

Cervical check - Pap smear test if sexually active and above 21 years. A simple procedure that only takes a few minutes and a most effective way to detect changes in the cells of the cervix.

Prostate check - Detail questions on symptoms and signs. Per rectal examinations and Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test if needed.

STI/HIV testing and treatment

Consultations on how STI’s are contracted, how to protect yourself and testing for STI/HIV. All screening tests for Syphilis - VDRL, Herpes - HSV, HIV and Hepatitis B are done at the clinic.

Gender Based Violence (GBV) screening.

The doctors and counsellors are trained to attend to the needs of men, women and children who are affected by sexual & gender based violence. We offer screening, counselling and referral for legal advice and medical treatment. Confidentiality and privacy is maintained throughout the management process

Services for LGBTIQ

We provide education, support, and sexual and reproductive health services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and intersex patients. ( description may change)

General health checks
  • Detail history taking
  • General Body check (heart/lung/abdomen)
  • Eye check
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Blood Pressure
  • Laboratory Investigations

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