Do you want the facts on how pregnancy happens? Learn what to expect during your pregnancy.
STIs (Sexually transmitted infections) are infections spread during vaginal, anal and oral sex. Learn more about your genital health, including symptoms of other genital infections.
Reproductive cancers are those which occur in the reproductive organs.
Menstruation/Period questions are so normal – you re not alone! Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
Maternal and Postpartum Care focuses on supporting women throughout pregnancy and in their recovery after childbirth, addressing physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
The Family Planning Association (FPA Sri Lanka) is a Member Association of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) which makes us part of a locally owned, globally connected civil society movement that provides and enables services and champions Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for all, especially the underserved.
Established in 1953, FPA Sri Lanka serves as a volunteer-based non-governmental organization (NGO) that explores innovative and challenging processes of family planning in Sri Lanka.
We are proud to be one of the most expansive and well-known NGOs in the country that focuses on Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.'
Happy Life ensures that individuals from all communities and ethnicities find an inclusive, non judgemental space where communication is comfortable and easily comprehensible.
Family Planning can help reduce unintended pregnancies and allow women to
better space their pregnancies.
Check what the recommended products are and how to use them.
FPA Sri Lanka
I am Jayasili living in a village called Hawa Eeliya in Nuwara-Eliya. After the birth of my first child, we decided that we needed some time before we had our next. Therefore, we asked our close friends and trusted neighbours advice on what the best family planning method should be. But we were still confused on which method to choose. So we decided to visit the Nuwara-Eliya FPA Sri Lanka Suwa Sewa centre for necessary advice. My partner and I were educated on what the ideal spacing between two children should be and after taking into consideration our job situation and age we decided on the best contraceptive method for ourselves. It has been 3 years since this took place and I am thankful to FPA Sri Lanka for the advice given as we were able to plan our family according to our needs.
U. K. Thushari Sandamali
FPA Sri Lanka
I am U. K. Thushari Sandamali and I have 3 children. My third child is just 1 1/2 years old. I am 29 and i gave birth to my first at the age of 20. Ever since then I have used a family planning method to maintain the ideal spacing between each birth. The injectable method is good and I have experienced no discomfort.
Dhinoma Krishmali
FPA Sri Lanka
I am Dhinoma Krishmali, 35 years old. I got to know about FPA Suwa Sewa Centre in Matara through my neighbour. I am a mother of 2 and my husband works as a laborer, therefore we have financial difficulties. When I visited the clinic to receive my injectable family planning method, I was advised that free testing for breast and cervical cancer, blood pressure check and other health related services were on offer. I had anxiety with regards to doing a cervical cancer screening but after speaking to a nurse I realised that these fears were unfounded. I immediately had both cancer screening tests done free of charge and have been receiving the injectable family planning method from the clinic since then too. The clinic offers quick and accurate testing services for which I am grateful to.
FPA Sri Lanka
My name is Suhanthini from Batticoloa. I am 30 year old mother of two children. A boy of 4 and a girl of 2 1/2 years old. My husband works for a daily wage of only Rs. 450 which is not sufficent for sustaining a large family. Due to the family planning method introduced to me by the FPA suwa sewa center I was able to safeguard my health and well-being and manage my family affairs successfully.