GFATM HIV/AIDS Project – Phase 2
The proposal for the HIV grant (round 9) of the Global Fund was submitted by Sri Lanka in 2008.…
LILI (Light to Life) - (2016)
The Light to Life Project - commonly known as LILI project - was implemented to address the sexual…
'ENSURE' Project
ENSURE Project - Ensuring access to lifesaving sexual & reproductive health and providing…
'REACH' Project
REACHing the most vulnerable people with life-saving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender…
Mainstreaming Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sri Lanka Girls Guides Association (SLGGA)- (2015)
In 2007, FPA Sri Lanka entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Sri Lanka girl…
Supporting the 2017 Universal Periodic Review Process in Sri Lanka
A small grant project will be implemented to support the Universal Periodic Review Process in…
EC Champions Project
The EC Champions Project in Sri Lanka: Creating Champions and Momentum for Progress in Sexual and…
Humanitarian Assistance in Floods and Land-slides affected areas of Sri Lanka ( May – August 2016)
Humanitarian Assistance though Implementation of Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) in Colombo…
SPRINT was designed to address gaps in the implementation of The Minimum Initial Service Package (…
AIDS epidemic model workshop
HIV estimations in Sri Lanka are done using Spectrum and EPP software. The National STD/AIDS…