Mainstreaming Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sri Lanka Girls Guides Association (SLGGA)- (2015) | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Mainstreaming Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sri Lanka Girls Guides Association (SLGGA)- (2015)





In 2007, FPA Sri Lanka entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Sri Lanka girl guides association (SLGGA) to increase sexual and reproductive health (SRH) awareness amongst the youth, both in girl guides and their peers, to better equip them for the future. With the partnership of both organizations, programmes were conducted to reach over 10,000 youth, focusing on the age groups 10-16 years (guides) and 16 - 23 years (senior guides).


Under this program, a new health badge was introduced to recognise the senior guides of the SLGGA who had achieved the prescribed knowledge on HIV/AIDS and SRH. They were used to increase awareness on HIV/AIDS and SRH among school children. Moreover, due to the collaboration between FPA Sri Lanka and the SLGGA, several other activities were conducted over the years, including,

  • Essay, oratory and drama competitions to promote SRH knowledge in schools
  • Workshops and training programmes in schools in several districts to increase awareness
  • Special programme for teachers and parents of the students to address SRH
  • Special evaluations to test the knowledge of students on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and SRH

It is worthy of mention that through the work done with the SLGGA, the girl guides were able to launch a booklet on HIV/AIDS which has now been distributed to over 300 schools around the island. Furthermore, through these activities, two key researches were conducted, namely,

  • Knowledge, attitude and practices of girl guides on SRH including STIs and HIV/AIDS.
  • Knowledge, attitudes and behaviour relations to HIV/AIDS among young children of HIV positive parents in Sri Lanka.

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