Humanitarian Assistance in Floods and Land-slides affected areas of Sri Lanka ( May – August 2016) | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Humanitarian Assistance in Floods and Land-slides affected areas of Sri Lanka ( May – August 2016)


Humanitarian Assistance though Implementation of Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) in Colombo, Gampha, Kegalle, Puttalam and Ratnapura districts of Sri Lanka.Incessant rains with flash floods and landslides took place in Sri Lanka in May 2016 and affected more than half a million of the population according to the Disaster Management Centre (DMC). IPPF South Asia Region (SAR) initiated the SPRINT II project in partnership with Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka (FPASL), a Member Association of IPPF’s South Asia Region in 2015. SPRINT has undertaken several preparedness initiatives such as conducting MISP trainings, prepositioning stocks and establishing the National Technical Committee on SRH in crises: comprised of representatives from the World Health Organization, DMC, Ministry of Health (MoH) and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The committee meets regularly to plan and strategise preparedness activities in the country. SPRINT has also commissioned rapid assessment of MISP preparedness and capacity of Sri Lanka for responding to emergencies. The report was presented during a National level MISP sensitisation event attended by MoH, DMC, Red Cross Society, and other civil society organizations. The Ministry of Disaster Management officially asked FPASL to work with other partners to integrate MISP into the National polices and curriculum of Disaster Management.   In view of the above, for the first time, the MoH requested FPA Sri Lanka to provide MISP services on a priority basis. Therefore, IPPF-SPRINT proposed to implement the MISP in 5 of the worst affected districts for a period of four months through FPA. The target districts are Colombo, Gampaha, Kegalle, Ratnapura and Puttalam. The response is a collaborative initiative of IPPF-SPRINT, FPA Sri Lanka, Ministry of Health, DMC and the Sri Lankan Red Cross Society. The proposed response would include provision of reproductive health (RH) services in collaboration with Government in health clinics such as Antenatal, Postnatal and Maternal care and HIV testing. Awareness sessions on HIV/STI, Family Planning, Psycho-Social Care and Support will be provided to community. Distribution of dignity kits/contraceptives and establishment of referrals for prevention and management of sexual and gender based violence (SGBV), STI treatments and Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC) services will also be provided. Training sessions on MISP would be conducted to service providers such as staff of FPA Sri Lanka, project volunteers, government officials and Red Cross to ensure quality and sustainability of the project. Training on SRH for village level disaster response team would also be conducted.With the support of DFAT funding, the intervention will focus on the provision of the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) by providing the following services:

  • Support DMC for Inter-Agency  Rapid Assessment in Gampaha, Colombo, Ratnapura, Puttalam and Kegalle Districts
  • Prevent and manage the consequences of sexual violence
  • Reduce STI including HIV transmission
  • Prevent excess maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity
  • Plan for the provision of comprehensive SRH services, integrated into primary health care, as the situation permits
  • Additional Priorities - Awareness sessions on Family Planning

Testing for Pap Smear, Breast cancer, Blood Glucose and Haemoglobin and general health check Distribution of Carpets, Slippers, Bins for sanitary disposals and Rain Coats for women


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