'REACH' Project | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

'REACH' Project

REACHing the most vulnerable people with life-saving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender Based Violence Support Services
Following the Covid 19 Pandemic and the economic crisis in Sri Lanka, accessibility to Sexual and reproductive health needs and services in Sri Lanka gradually became unaffordable and inaccessible to the most vulnerable populations. SRH services are life-saving requirements, particularly during times of crisis where the marginalised, undeserving communities are impacted the most. For this reason, the United Nations Populations Fund – Sri Lanka (UNFPA Sri Lanka) has initiated the REACH Project, REACHing the most vulnerable people with life-saving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender Based Violence Support Services with the funding of Department of Finance and Trade (DFAT), Australia Government. The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka will be the implementing partner of this project.
Under the REACH Project, FPASL will conduct 8 main activities. The project will be for a period of 8 months, providing life-saving SRH services for the most vulnerable populations in Ampara, Batticaloa, Galle, Nuwara Eliya, Gampaha, Anuradhapura, Puttalam, Kandy and Mullaitivu districts.  These activities would primarily target Women in reproductive ages, Adolescent Girls and Key populations, particularly in northern, rural and estate sectors. The main activities of the project are as follows.

  1. Provision of essential and lifesaving sexual and reproductive health medications, commodities and supplies for women of reproductive age group and adolescents

Under this activity, 4,500 women and girls will be reached through 90 Mobile Clinics conducted by the six Service Delivery Points under the Outreach Unit. A 1000 more women and girls in Anuradhapura, Kandy, Mullaitivu and Puttalam Districts will be reached through 20 Mobile Clinics.

  1. Ensure the availability in health facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of STIs and HIV.

Targeting the Key Populations, including PLHIV and LGBTIQ communities, 20 Mobile Clinics will be conducted for 1,000 persons belonging to Key Population groups. These clinics will be held in Galle, Gampaha, Kandy and Colombo districts.

  1. Enhance the capacity of health providers, including PHMs and nurses to provide quality services for abused survivors, including Comprehensive MHPSS.

This activity is comprised of two sub-activities. The first sub-activity targets to train 70 Volunteer healthcare assistants through a 3-day refresher programme for capacity building, who would then be working with the SDPs, supporting the organizing of other project activities. The second activity will be a one-day capacity-building programme for 210 nurses and PHMs on comprehensive MHPSS. This activity will be done through the 7 SDPs.

  1. Integrate psychosocial support for women, girls and young people and other vulnerable groups accessing SRH services and provide psychosocial support for service providers.

Under this activity, mobile clinics will provide counselling and psychosocial support to women, girls, youth and key populations, especially in vulnerable and underserving communities. These services include SRH counselling and survivor-centric MHPSS support for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.

  1. Produce and disseminate IEC on maternal danger signals and high-risk pregnancies and increasing coordination and increased response time with the PHMs and MOH offices

This activity targets ante-natal and post-natal

  1. Provide basic maternity kits to women, girls, people with disabilities and the most vulnerable.

Maternity kits provided by the UNFPA are distributed among vulnerable communities through the service delivery points under this activity.

  1. Integration of psychosocial support services into the SRH service package for women, girls & young people and other vulnerable groups

The main activity under this activity is conducting youth camps. Through 27 youth camps, 4,050 youth will be reached. The youth camps comprise of various enjoyable and educational, interactive activities in order to disseminate SRH knowledge among youth and also encourage seeking SRH services. The youth are also able to voluntarily test for HIV, access condoms and seek for counselling support during the youth camps.
In addition to youth camps, there are capacity-building programmes targeting youth volunteers and also health education and awareness for adolescent girls.

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