Volunteers founded the Family Planning Association First clinic set up at De Soysa Maternity
FPA affiliated to International Planned Parenthood Federation
First state assistance in the form of an annual Government grant of Rs 2500, increased to Rs
75,000 in 1957
First partnership with an international donor : Swedish- Ceylonese project on family planning
spearheaded by
FPA begins training Government medical personnel in family planning and contraceptive methods.
First oral contraceptive trials in Asia commence at the Ragama hospital under the guidance of
Dr Siva Chinnatamby.
Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranayke directs that Family Planning should be included in the
maternal and
child health programme of the Government.
FPA extends family planning services to the plantation sector.
Dr Clarence Gamble Assists FPA to introduce the Intrauterine Device (IUD). Dr Siva Chinnathamby
started the
first 2year-trials at the Colombo North Hospital.
The Government Accepts Family Planning as a part of Government Policy
FPA becomes an approved charity, Gazette No 14399 dated 13 May 1965
Most FPA clinics taken over by the Government to form the nucleus of a National Family Planning
Depo-Provera, the long-term contraceptive, introduced and Dr. Siva Chinnathamby initiates
trial for
200 women.
Family planning services commence at Kandy Hospital and then later shifted to Buwelikada MCIH
FPA gets registered under the Companies Ordinance as a Company Limited by guarantee.
Vasectomy programme for estate workers commences. A fully equipped Mobile Clinic enables
of Family
Planning work in the estate and plantation sector
Mr Daya Abeywickrema appointed as a full time Executive Officer of FPA.
New FPA Head Quarters (HQ) opens at Bullers Lane, Colombo
Official name change from FPA Ceylon to FPA Sri Lanka
FPA Sri Lanka reaches out to the people as it extends work in rural areas beginning with the
Project in Kandy District
Preethi condoms launched
Research unit set-up under Dr. Chinnatamby funded by an American foundation
Rural Family Health project extended countrywide
First ever Youth Committee to involve the youth in Family Planning among all FPAs of the world
founded by
the FPA Sri Lanka
International Medical Congress held at the BMICH to celebrate FPA Sri Lanka’s Silver Jubilee
Youth Committee wins the prestigious IPPF Award of US$ 50,000 for its Yattapatha Youth and
FPA Sri Lanka takes over CBD project for Distribution of Contraceptives, which saw the launch of
FPA Sri Lanka introduces new constitution where all National Council members are elected by the
The Rural Projects take a new dimension as the Community Managed Integrated Rural Family Health
project takes root. DACs headed by mostly GAs and consisting of eminent Health officials and
leaders carry out 10 projects in each district where grass root level volunteers carry the
of Family
Planning to the villages.
The Government Philatelic Bureau issues Stamp to mark the FPA Sri Lanka’s 27 years of service to
the Nation
Facts of Life, a Sexual Reproductive Health program introduced by Dr Sriani Basnayaka to
adolescents in
Colombo Schools
FPA Sri Lanka sets up its own training facility named CHINTANA at Nainamadama
New vasectomy program proves popular with the public
Clinical trials of Norplant. a sub dermal implant which prevents conception for up to 5 years
at FPA Sri Lanka HQ Clinic by Dr Sriani Basnayaka
Executive Director Mr. Daya Abeywickrema was awarded $5000 by the IPPF for the most innovative
Development Fund
First training program in AIDS prevention for Doctors conducted by FPA Sri Lanka
HIV/AIDS awareness and education programs commence
Establishment of Alokaya, the Youth Counselling Centre
CMIRFH project was revised and renamed the Prajashanthi Project
JOIECF commences gifting of bicycles for use of FPA Sri Lanka Health Workers
New strategic plan formulated, which includes programs aimed at adolescents FPA Sri Lanka aims
funding self-sufficiency by 2000.
In keeping with the changes made at the ICPD conference in Cairo FPA Sri Lanka changed its core
role of
Family Planning to the broader aspects of Reproductive Health
Award winning sex education was film Yuwathupathi, produced by FPA Sri Lanka, released to the
FPA Sri Lanka was entrusted by the Education Department to train teachers in Reproductive Health
which was included in the syllabus for Advanced Level students in schools.
lPPF categorises FPA Sri Lanka as a country which did not need funding from IPPF, with attendant
cuts, leading to a total withdrawal of funds in 2004
Commencement of four-year bilateral UNFPA/Government reproductive health project
Introduction of (ECP) Emergency Contraceptive Pill - Postinor 2
Special Hotline set up to provide information
EU/UNFPA supports FPA Sri Lanka’s Reproductive Health Information, Counselling and Services to
Youth and
Adolescents (RHIYA) Project where, FPA Sri Lanka provided national leadership in developing
and gender sensitive approaches in Reproductive Health Information, Counselling and Services to
and Youth
Kandy clinic closes down
Inauguration of ‘A well woman clinic’ where women can undergo a comprehensive medical check
including a pap
smear test, breast examination etc for the early detection of cancer set up at FPA Sri Lanka
A program for Reproductive Health education for adolescents and youth funded by JOICEFP in 6
schools in Gampaha District –‘Yovun Kendra’ youth clubs operated by the Youth formed
Reproductive Health education centres at FPA Sri Lanka and commencement of Reproductive Health
education programs for school children
The Government awarded the Condom Social Marketing Project to FPA Sri Lanka. The objective of
was to popularize the use of condoms as an AIDS preventive method
FPA Sri Lanka celebrates Golden Jubilee with the participation of several IPPF dignitaries and
from many FPAs of the Region
The RHIYA International Youth Festival to discuss reproductive health problems faced by youth
100 youth to a weeklong festival held at Chintana
MFPA Sri Lanka wins WHO Sasakawa Award for Health
FPA Sri Lanka gets involved in the TSUNAMI recovery programs
‘Five A’s’ strategic model adopted (Adolescents, Access, Abortion, AIDS/HIV and Advocacy)
Implementation of Praja Sahana; a project to provide immediate assistance in the form of
counselling, contraceptives, cleaning of wells, to those affected by the Tsunami
FPA Sri Lanka receives accreditation from IPPF
Partnership with Plantation Human Development Trust (PHDT) Mobile operations to extend
reproductive health
services deep into rural areas inaugurated.
An expanded Praja Sahana implemented in selected tsunami affected areas in Sri Lanka with the
support from
the Hewlett Foundation USA, & JOICFP Japan to help rebuild the lives of those affected by
IPPF World President, RD SARO and other senior volunteers of the region visited the Tsunami
affected areas
where Praja Sahana was conducted project
IPPF funding ceases completely.
FPA Sri Lanka commences working with the Girl Guides in partnership to provide Reproductive
to youth where trained girl guides acted as peer educators
HIV/AIDS Service Package for Internal Migrants in the Industrial Promotion Zones (IPZ’s) of
Koggala and
Biyagama introduced by FPA Sri Lanka
Inauguration of Information Centre, a multipurpose archive consisting of a diverse collection of
journals, magazines, E and multimedia resources at FPA Sri Lanka
Rebranding of FPA Sri Lanka; new (current) logo introduced
FPA Sri Lanka initiates ‘Life Saving Reproductive Health Project –Vavuniya’ Funded by the UNDP
Multiple Resource Centre manned by a Medical Officer to provide emergency assistance to the
Displaced persons (IDPs). Provision of transport was also made to IDPs in need of emergency
FPA Sri Lanka launches Stamina condoms
FPA Sri Lanka begins outreach program targeting commercial sex workers, persons of diverse
orientations, mentally challenged people and people living with HIV.
FPA Sri Lanka sets up SRH Multipurpose Centres in Batticaloa, Ampara, Trincomalee and Vavuniya
FPA Sri Lanka takes SRH counselling online with inauguration of Happy Life website which is a
initiative of FPA Sri Lanka, ICTA and the IPPF South
IPPF renews core funding
Introduction of Easy Glide to the Sri Lankan market
Happy Life wins Gold Award for best website 2010
Happy Life wins Gold Award for best website 2010
FPA Sri Lanka is accredited by IPPF for 2011-2015
FPA Sri Lanka rolls out IPES (Integrated Package Essential Services) through all its clinics
FPA Sri Lanka implements EU Project for SRH-HIV integration
FPA Sri Lanka partners with Global Fund to fight AIDSTB & Malaria as a sub-recipient of HIV
Introduction of Postinor 1, the single dose of ECP.
FPA Sri Lanka celebrates 60 years in existence continuing to champion the rights of sexual and
FPA Sri Lanka wins bid to conduct the National Size Estimation (an island wide study conducted
the most
risk population in Sri Lanka - beach boys, drug users, men who have sex with men and sex
from the
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM).
FPA Sri Lanka leads Global campaign in Sri Lanka - One Billion Rising - to stop violence against
women and
FPA Sri Lanka served as the Social Responsibility Partner of the Bentota Beach Festival 2013,
organized by
the Ministry of Defence and Urban Development
Trilingual publication ‘ Unplanned Pregnancies’ was launched – information on consequences of
abortion and prevention of unplanned pregnancies
Launched two international advocacy initiatives –IPPF ‘Vision 2020’ and ‘I Decide”
Establishing a service delivery point(SDP) at Kilinochchi.
Donation of a colposcopy machine to the Kilinochichi hospital.
Established a new Service Delivery Point in Matara
Donated bicycles to Volunteer Health Assistants attached to the Ampara, Batticaloa and Matara
Selection of FPA Sri Lanka for the new funding model as PR2 for 2016- 2018
Dissemination Workshop on the Multi Country Study on Type of Abortion and Severity of Symptoms’
which was
funded by the WHO was held.
The review of the Beijing +20 Youth Statement was held. It was funded by the International
Coalition and was held in partnership with FPA Sri Lanka
The 48th session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) took place from the 13th
-17th of
April at the United Nations Head Quarters in New York.
The 2nd meeting of the Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development organised by the United
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) was held in Bangkok. FPA Sri
Director Advocacy & HIV, Ms. Madu Dissanayake represented the Government at this meeting.
A Strategic workshop was held to discuss and deliberate the formulation of the new strategic
( for
Commemoration of World Humanitarian Day on 20th August.
The IPPF Social Enterprise Workshop was held to facilitate the mapping of FPA Sri Lanka’s
model so
that it can be shared across the Federation.
Condom brand Stamina was adjudged First Runner Up in Mumbai in the ‘Excellence in Brand
Management’ category
at the ACEF Forum and Awards.
The International Planned Parenthood Federation and IPPF -South Asia Regional Office (IPPF-SARO)
the “Global Fund South to South Learning Meeting" to Sri Lanka
UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health (APPG on PD
& RH)
conducted a study tour to Sri Lanka
YTAC together with Y PEER and UNFPA developed and launched a comprehensive national SRHR
in local
The foundation stone for the new headquarters located in Nawala, was ceremonially laid in March
GFATM project - FPA Sri Lanka is awarded the national responsibility to operate as the Principal
for the 2016-2018
FPA Sri Lanka launches new Contraceptive Pill- Ovorest
GFATM project - FPA Sri Lanka is awarded the national responsibility to operate as the Principal
for the 2016-2018
The 2015 Annual Report of FPA Sri Lanka titled “In the Loop”, had the honour of winning two
accolades at the 30th International ARC Awards competition
The M&E Unit, on behalf of FPA Sri Lanka, presented three research papers at the Annual
Symposium - 2016 of the National Centre for Advance Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
FPA Sri Lanka attended an event hosted by Women in Need and the UNFPA and UNICEF during the
of Mrs Ban
Soon-taek, wife of UN Sec. General Ban Ki Moon. A copy of the FPA Annual Report was handed over
Mrs. Ban
Soon-taek at this event.
FPA Sri Lanka partnered with the College of Consultant Community Physicians for a debate in
annual scientific sessions.
A law enforcement sensitization workshop was conducted for over 100 high-ranking police officers
FPA Sri Lanka participated in the 2016 Global South Women’s Forum on Sustainable Development,
which was held
in Cambodia.
A National sensitization workshop was conducted on ‘Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for
sexual and
reproductive health during emergencies’
Conducting the SPRINT project in Sri Lanka, and supporting flood and landslide-affected
individuals in 5
The High-level political forum on SDGs was attended by FPA with the Government delegation.
Launch of the ‘Know it Own it’ Campaign in December for Comprehensive Sexuality Education.
FPA supported to approve and implement the National Action Plan to reduce Gender-Based Violence
through its
membership in the National GBV forum.
FPA Sri Lanka is on the drafting committee of the National Child Protection Policy.
FPA Sri Lanka is on the drafting committee of the National Human Rights Action Plan
Volunteers from the Youth Technical Advisory Committee (YTAC) with the support of the Public
Affairs, Policy
& Advocacy Unit, established six Youth committees across Sri Lanka.
The Sectoral Oversight Committee on Women and Gender of the Parliament of Sri Lanka launched a
curriculum on
Comprehensive Sexuality Education. FPA Sri Lanka was commended for their support and assistance
process and was invited to provide feedback on the curriculum.
FPA Sri Lanka, in collaboration with the Ministry of Disaster Management, Disaster Management
Centre, UNFPA
and the district MoHs, provided Dignity Kits and conducted SRH clinics, delivered GBV awareness
during/after the humanitarian crisis that occurred due to the SL floods.
Minimum Initial Service Package (#MISP) Training was carried out for Public Health Inspectors of
the Army
On the 8th of August, the soft opening of the16,000 + sq. ft wide, Main office complex located
Narahenpita took place.
FPA Sri Lanka hosted a Social Enterprise Training for representatives from IPPF Member
Associations of
Malaysia, Pakistan, Albania, Morocco, Togo, Guyana
FPA Sri Lanka was accredited as a Full Member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation
(IPPF) at
the meeting of the IPPF Governing Council on 19th November 2017
First smart condom machine named VENDOM installed at Head- office
FPA Sri Lanka launched revamped website on the 2nd of January.
FPA Sri Lanka Commemorates 65th Anniversary on the 15th of January
Launch of new product – SKYN condom at Shangri-La Hotel
New Service Delivery Point was established at the Seethawaka Free Trade Zone on the 3rd of March
Director General of International Planned Parenthood Federation Dr. Alvaro Bermejo visited FPA
(1st-3rd )
FPA Sri Lanka appointed as a Civil Society Focal Point for FP2020 global campaign
New Service Delivery Point was established at the Wathupitiwela BOI Complex on the 2nd of April
Won IPPF best MA award in December
WHO declares Sri Lanka as a country that has eliminated Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in
FPA selected for IPPF Global Pilot Initiative of Governance Strengthening
Launch of PrEP Pilot Programme - HIV prevention measure
COVID 19 Humanitarian Efforts- Distribution of Hygiene Kits for LGBTQIA+ persons, People with
disabilities and other vulnerable communities
COVID 19 Humanitarian Effort - Distribution of Sanitary Napkins to quarantine facilities through
the FHB and Armed Forces
New Project – RESPOND by AusAid
New Board of Directors Appointed at AGM
Launch of Sri Lanka’s first sex-ed chatbot Ask Sri
Governance Reforms Project - Launch of promotional poster campaign and 'Ask our Champions!’
Launch of the CAAPP project - Addressing period poverty in Collaboration with the French Embassy
Launch of new strategic plan 2023 - 2028
Commemoration of 70th Anniversary
8th Service Delivery Point Opens in Puttalam
SEAP Project Wins at the National Project Management Excellence Awards (NPME 2024)
FPA joins National Steering Committee on Menstrual Health
Hosted ReproSex 2024 - Sri Lanka's first International Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health
New Service Delivery Point Launches in Moneragala