COPPER – T | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka
Rs 1000.00

The Copper T Intrauterine Device (IUD) is a small, "T-shaped" device, made of flexible plastic and wrapped in copper which is inserted into the uterus by a trained medical professional. It is hormone-free, so it does not alter a woman’s natural menstrual cycle. The IUD can stay in place for at least 10 years and is a highly effective form of contraception. Ability to become pregnant soon after removal is an advantage.

IUD Insertion Fee -  Rs 2500.00
IUD Removal Fee - Rs 1000.00
IUD Insertion Follow Up Fee - Rs 500.00

To make an appointment, please call: 077 955 2979


What You Should Know About The INTRA UTERINE DEVICE - Copper T 380 A


  • Safe
  • Effective
  • Non hormonal
  • Well tolerated
  • Easy to fit & remove
  • Quick return to fertility


What you should know about the Intra Uterine Device (IUD)?

  • Very effective long term contraceptive method.
  • It is a small ‘T’ shaped, flexible plastic device.
  • The IUD which is commonly used is the Copper bearing IUD (Copper T 380 A).


How does it prevent a pregnancy?

  • Interfere with fertilization by causing a chemical change and damaging the sperm and ovum.
  • Causes biochemical and histological changes in the endometrium.
  • IUD does not cause an abortion


How to get an IUD inserted?

  • Simple procedure done by a trained person under sterile conditions.
  • It does not need anaesthesia.
  • Takes only about 5 - 10 minutes and you can go home soon after insertion.


When to get it inserted :

  • During mensuration Within first 12 days of periods.
  • After child birth Within the first 48 hours or 6 weeks after child birth.
  • After abortion Within the first 48 hours or 4 - 6 weeks after abortion.
  • When changing the contraceptive method From OCP - Anytime if on the pill. From Injections (DMPA) - Within 90 days of last injection From Implant - At any time.


What are the advantages?

  • Long term contraception - Once inserted IUD is effective for a period of 10 years. But you can have it removed at any time if need arises.
  • Effective - It becomes effective immediately after insertion. The failure rate is 6-8/1000 IUD insertion .
  • Quick reversibility - Out of all the available contraceptive methods IUD provides quickest return to fertility once removed
  • Convenience - Most convenient as it provides continuous protection after insertion.
  • Cost effective - One of the most cost effective methods available.
  • No hormones - It is free from hormone related side effects like weight gain and bloating.
  • Breast feeding - It can be used safely in breast feeding mothers and should be fitted after 6 weeks of delivery of baby.


Are there any disadvantages?

IUD does not protect you from Sexually Transmitted Infections. Therefore a condom needs to be used for protection against STI/HIV infections


Side effects

  • A mild cramping or slight spotting on the day of insertion.
  • Slightly prolonged menstruation and a slight increase in menstrual blood loss. But these symptoms are temporary.
  • There may be a slight increase in menstrual cramping.


Who are the BEST candidates for IUD ?

Copper T 380 A IUD is a perfect method of contraception for couples who want to space their pregnancies and want to limit the number of children once their family is completed. Since it can be used for 10 years it is a good alterna - tive for sterilization.


You cannot use an IUD

  • If you are pregnant
  • Have a history of or a current pelvic Infection
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Confirmed or suspected cancer of the genital tract


Great in an Emergency!

If inserted within 5 days of unprotected sexual intercourse, the IUD provides almost 100% protection against pregnancy 


Myths about the IUD


1. IUD interferes with sexual activities

- NO. It will not cause any pain or discomfort during sex and it will not displace the IUD. Sexual pleasure will not be affected.

2. IUD increases the risk of having an ectopic pregnancy

- NO. It will not.

3. IUD gets embedded into the uterus and may travel to other parts of the body

- NO. Unless it is incorrectly inserted it does not get embedded in the uterus and never travel to other parts of the body.

4. Removal is painful

- Removal is done by a trained person under sterile conditions and it is not painful.

5. IUD increase the risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

- NO. IUD does not increase the risk of PID. It is pre-existing infections that increase the risk.


Myth-busting facts about IUDs


An IUD is a tiny device that s put into your uterus to prevent pregnancy. It’s long-term, reversible, and one of the most effective birth control methods out there.

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