World Mental Health Day 2019 | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

World Mental Health Day 2019

Did you know - Every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide.

Close to 800 000 people die by suicide every year. Furthermore, for each suicide, there are more than 20 suicide attempts.

Suicides and suicide attempts have a ripple effect that impacts on families, friends, colleagues, communities and societies.

Suicides are preventable. Much can be done to prevent suicide at individual, community and national levels. Check out these video links:


Preventing suicide : information for teachers

Preventing suicide: information for emergency responders :

Preventing suicide at work: information for employers, managers and employees

Preventing suicide: information for health workers


The article below was written by Thanu Wijayasinghe,  Psychological  Counseling Trainee at Alokaya Counselling Centre at FPA Sri Lanka. 


Say NO to suicide!  

Commiting suicide has become one of the extremely regular causes of unnatural deaths in Sri Lanka. Based on the local police statistics in 2018, roughly about 3,281 people commit suicide and the present suicide mortality rate is 14.6 per 100,000 population. Sri Lanka ranks in the 29th place out of 157 countries worldwide. The act of taking one’s own life intentionally and voluntarily is defined as Suicide. Unfortunately in every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide worldwide. Therefore, it is crucial to prevent suicide by intervention at the correct time. As a result of making quick and impulsive decisions to end life, individuals tend to commit suicide thinking that it is their final option or a solution to their problem.  But, they need to be made aware that suicide is not the last resort nor is it the solution for whatever challenge they are facing in their lives. The best advice that could be given for a person with suicidal ideation is, not to hesitate in reaching out and obtaining services from a professional counselor.Listen to your body and mind. If you feel like there is a constant urge in your mind to self-harm, then that is your cue to seek support. Suicide can be prevented earlier if the below warning signs exist (more than 1 should be present).

  1. Self-destructive behavior – self harm, higher levels of alcohol and drug use, etc.
  2. Talking about suicide often and preoccupation with death
  3. Negative thinking/ feelings such as self-loathing or self-hatred, feelings of worthlessness, fear, shame, etc.
  4. Withdrawal from tasks and people - withdrawal from family and friends, prefer isolation rather than socialising and less interest in performing daily tasks/studies/job related matters, etc.
  5. Feelings of hopelessness regarding the future - feeling helpless most of the time and feelings of being trapped (“There’s no way out”).  Believe that things will never get better or change.

Final thoughts: Suicidal crises do not last forever. Timely intervention can make a difference and save a life. In case you come across a person who is likely to commit suicide, then please HELP. Even if someone seems unhappy with you for helping, in time they will be grateful for it. Overcome suicide and be the narrator of your own life. Life is so precious to lose it just because of a mere quick decision. Do not let yourself to become a suicide victim, but challenge it and make your life a better experience.

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