World Contraception Day 2021 – The right to choose | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

World Contraception Day 2021 – The right to choose

Commemorated on 26 September, World Contraception Day is designated to bring focus to the rights of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children.

Improved access to contraception can reduce high-risk pregnancies; maternal and child mortality; teen and unplanned pregnancies; and, improved child health and nutrition.

In 2021, FPA Sri Lanka as the leading distributor of contraceptive products through the retail supply chain in the country, was able to gain the support from the relevant government agencies to ensure that products were made available in all corners of the country.

WHO reported ‘Sri Lanka started a successful family planning programme in the early 1950s and has reduced its crude birth rate to about 15 per 1,000 population in 2021 and maternal mortality to less than 30 per 100,000 live births in 2019. The sustainability of the programme is demonstrated by the continuity of services through COVID-19. The Family Health Bureau reports nearly 30,000 new acceptors of contraceptives in 2020. Family planning was identified as a key component of the essential maternal child health package, regardless of transmission stage or restrictions due to COVID. Close supervision helped to mitigate stock management challenges caused by global procurement and supply chain issues. And, important support from the private sector and NGOs was instrumental in the delivery of family planning items to homes during periods of lock down’.

FPA teamed up with World Health Organization Sri Lanka (WHO) to showcase the available contraceptive methods, benefits and when and how to use them and share FPA client testimonials.

Click here to view posters shared.

The Family Health Bureau invited FPA to join with other national key SRH stakeholders for a virtual press conference titled "Prioritizing Reproductive Health services and rights during COVID 19".

At this event, Video clips by relevant stakeholders on key Family Planning messages targeting policymakers, programme managers, retailers and target populations were featured.

Click here to view the message by Executive Director Thushara Agus on behalf of FPASL.

Click here to view Family Health Bureau's Fact Sheet on Contraception.


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