Workshop on understanding men and masculinity for achieving gender justice | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Workshop on understanding men and masculinity for achieving gender justice

Globally, research has shown that engaging men and boys in gender justice activities is vital. As such, the Men Engage Sri Lanka  which is an alliance of different organizations and individuals working on engaging men in the gender equality discourse, held a one day workshop on “ understanding men and masculinity for achieving gender justice”. The workshop was held on 13th of July 2017 at the FPA Sri Lanka auditorium. The  objective of the workshop was to give a conceptual understanding on men and masculinity to young Sri Lankan activists and advocates.  The workshop allowed young people to understand how to integrate men and masculinity issues into gender justice and youth engagement work they're already conducting. Men Engage Alliance- Sri Lanka Country Focal Point Ms. Samitha Sugatimala, Mr. Veslusamy Weeraseingham and Ms. Kamani Jinadasa were the resource persons at this workshop.





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