A workshop named ‘Dissemination WS on the Multi Country Study on Type of Abortion | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

A workshop named ‘Dissemination WS on the Multi Country Study on Type of Abortion

A workshop named ‘Dissemination WS on the Multi Country Study on Type of Abortion and Severity of Symptoms’ which was funded by the WHO Reproductive Health Research Department, Geneva, was held on the 10th of February at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel in Colombo. Previously a study on the topic was conducted at all Gynaecological wards of De Soysa Maternity Hospital (DMH) Castle Street Hospital, Kethumathi Hospital in Panadura and at the Nagoda Hospital. Main objectives of this study were;


  1. To understand the change of abortion related complications over time
  2. To determine the type of abortion and assess the severity of complications for different types of abortion
  3. To document the care seeking behaviour of women admitted for complications of abortion

Consultant Gynaecologists, Consultant Community Physicians, Trainees in Gynaecology, General Practitioners and Medical Students participated at this event.  Topics discussed included ‘Abortion and its Burden of Disease’, ‘Findings of the Multi country Study’ (SL, Myanmar, Nigeria, Ghana and Timor Leste), ‘Rational use of Misoprorstrol, ‘Post Abortion Care’ and ‘ Ways to reduce unplanned pregnancies’. Session facilitators were Dr. Hemantha Beneragama ( Director – FHB/ MoH ), Dr. Bela Ganatra(Department of Reproductive Health and Research, WHO), Dr.Phillip Guest (Study Co-ordinator), Dr.Sugandhika Perera, Prof. Athula Kaluarachchi, Dr.Mangala Dissanayake and Dr. Sanjeewa Godakanda. Dr. Arvind Mathur( WHO Representative) and Dr.Kanishka Karunarate (President SLCOG) addressed the gathering too. Dr.Pramilla Senanayake, President of FPA Sri Lanka and our Executive Director Ms  Thushara Agus also graced this occasion which was well organised by FPA's Dr Sumithra Tissera.

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