Volunteer Health Assistant Training Programme | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Volunteer Health Assistant Training Programme

Volunteer Health Assistants (VHAs) play a great role at FPA Sri Lanka in our work in increasing access to sexual and reproductive health care services.

A three day training program for Volunteer Health Assistants was held under the purview of FPA Sri Lanka’s Outreach Unit at the office of the recently opened Service Delivery Point in Wathupitiwala from the 13th - 15th of May 2019.

Some of the topics addressed through the sessions were: Importance of Sexual and Reproductive Health education and services, The reproductive health system, its functions and issues related to it, Family Planning methods, Sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS, How to develop effective communication skills, Gender based violence, The Duties and responsibilities of a Health Assistant and how maintain the field book to report in an accurate manner.

These volunteers will be mobilised at community level to strengthen the outreach work.

Special thanks to the resource persons: Dr. Santha Kumara (Medical Officer- Base Hospital Gampaha) , Dr. Nayani  Gallage ( STI  Unit-  Base Hospital – Wathupitiwala) Mr. Sunil Senarathne (Deputy Director- FPASL Outreach Unit), Mr. Sunil  Wijerathne (Manager SDP –Wathupitiwala) 


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