Training of Trainer Workshop - Netherlands Embassy Grant | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Training of Trainer Workshop - Netherlands Embassy Grant

The Netherlands Embassy grant is supporting the Sri Lanka  FP2020 programme, for Civil Society Organisations (CSO) to encourage the use of modern family planning methods among youth, men and women including older women, working women and single women. The project focuses on two Provinces, the Northern and North Western Province.

FPA Sri Lanka, together with the Family Health Bureau is conducting a two day National level Training of Trainer (TOT) workshop on modern contraceptive methods, on the 31st of October and the 1st of November to pilot the curriculum and Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials that have been developed. The CSO participants will give their feedback on these resources which will be finalised end of the year and will be published for use by trainers when conducting similar workshops in the targeted areas.

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