The Sustainability of Key Populations in Asia (SKPA) project - Team Visit | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

The Sustainability of Key Populations in Asia (SKPA) project - Team Visit

The Sustainability of Key Populations in Asia (SKPA) project commenced in July 2019 and as a follow up to  the kick off meeting ( please see link for details of this meeting:, David Fowler, International Program Manager, and Greg Gray, Country Lead for Sri Lanka from Australian Federation of AIDS Organizations (AFAO), visited the country ( 2 - 6th September 2019) to introduce the project activities to the National STD & AIDS Control Program (NSACP), KP community members and other stake holders. 

During their visit, they met with the NSACP and officially commenced the activities by disseminating a call for a consultant to conduct a review of the current KP package of services. Further during their visit, they met with the community members to introduce the project activities and discuss about possible activities for the 2nd and 3rd year through the SKPA project.

David, & Greg also met with the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, UNFPA, UNAIDS and the National Transgender Network of Sri Lanka to gain their support on the upcoming activities for the year; such as a Stigma & Discrimination reduction workshop for stakeholders engaging with drug users, a Gender Assessment of KPs accessing services and scaling up Transgender friendly services in the country. 

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