Sustainability of Key Populations in Asia (SKPA) Project: Gender Assessment for SKPA Countries | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Sustainability of Key Populations in Asia (SKPA) Project: Gender Assessment for SKPA Countries

Gender inequality affects service access through gender-based violence and sexual exploitation, disempowerment in the negotiation of safe sex and discrimination related to the infringement of traditional gender roles among key populations. During consultations on the SKPA Program in some countries, gender discrimination was identified as a cause of violence against key populations as well as positioning sexual transmission of HIV as a moral issue rather than a health issue. As such, The Global Fund’s Sustainability, Transition and Co-Financing Policy requires that all eligible countries within their respective work, respond to human rights and gender equality-related barriers for key and vulnerable populations.


The Principal Recipient of the SKPA grant AFAO selected Dr Thiloma Munasinghe as the national consultant to conduct a rapid gender assessment with the support of Ms. Mona Sheikh Mahmud, the regional consultant selected for the gender assessment activity. Dr. Munasinghe has previously worked closely with FPA Sri Lanka in addressing barriers for key and vulnerable populations. Apart from extensive focus group discussions, Dr. Munasinghe also conducted a stakeholder meeting to reach consensus on her recommendations to mitigate gender related barriers.  – Reported by Sriyal Marasinghe – Programme Officer (AFAO)

To find our about what FPA Sri Lanka's AFAO Project is all about, read here:

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