Sustainability of HIV Services for Key Populations in Asia (SKPA) Programme Meeting and Grant Management Workshop | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Sustainability of HIV Services for Key Populations in Asia (SKPA) Programme Meeting and Grant Management Workshop

FPA Sri Lanka’s Sonali Gunasekera, the Director Advocacy, Saman Perera, the Deputy Director of Finance and Sriyal Nilanka, the Programme Officer for the AFAO project, attended the Sustainability of HIV Services for Key Populations in Asia (SKPA) Programme Kick-Off Meeting and Grant Management Workshop in Bangkok, Thailand from the 29th July to the 2nd August 2019. The programme was facilitated by the principal recipient, Australian Federation of AIDS Organizations (AFAO). The regional grant offered through the Global Fund will operate in Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, Malaysia, Philippines, Laos, Mongolia, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. During the workshop, the attending members were oriented on the activities laid out for the year of 2019 along with reporting mechanisms.

The SKPA Project aims to promote sustainable services for key population members, scale-up of outreach work and improve key population members’ access to prevention, testing and treatment and retention in the service cascade. Strengthen advocacy efforts, community response systems and address barriers to  access, including addressing stigma and discrimination and other human rights and  gender related barriers to services.

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