"Strategies & Actions for Women and Youth Engagement in the National SDG Roadmap" consultative workshop | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

"Strategies & Actions for Women and Youth Engagement in the National SDG Roadmap" consultative workshop

FPA Sri Lanka, partnered with the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Wildlife to conduct this interactive meeting at the Waters Edge Hotel on the 14thand 15th of February 2017.

Sri Lanka is committed to implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. In doing so, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Wildlife (MSDW) as the national focal point for the SDGs in Sri Lanka is planning the National SDG Roadmap towards building capacity of the nation for enabling sustainable development. This workshop intended to formulate strategies and action plans for women and youth engagement for SDGs in Sri Lanka.

The workshop comprised lead presentations on both days by Mr Uchita de Zoysa (Advisor, Ministry of Sustainable Development & Wildlife) followed by panel discussions which served as an excellent platform for academics, politicians, scholars and practitioners to discuss and debate issues from their  perspectives. Panelists namely were, Dr Camena Guneratne, Mr Uditha Harilal Palihakkara( Chairman, Finance Commission of Sri Lanka, Ms Kumudini Samuels( Representative from the Finance Commission, Representative from the Department of National Planning, Mr Senel Wanniarachchi ( FPA Sri Lanka, Senior Manager Advocacy, Communications and Youth Focal point) , Mr Uchita de Zoysa (Advisor, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Wildlife, Ms Madu Dissanayake Director Advocacy, Policy and Public Affairs, Ms. Sonali Dayaratne (Policy Specialist at UNDP),Mr. Ishan Jallil (Youth activist), Ms. Shyama Salgado(Development Professional), Ms. Mihiri Tennakoon(Youth activist),Mr. Sachinda Dulanjana (Sri Lankan Youth Delegate to the United Nations), Hon. Dr Sudarshani Fernandopulle, Prof. Saroj Jayasinghe, Dr Ananda Mallawathanthri( Country Rep. IUCN SL) , Dr Prasanthi Gunawardane ( University of Sri Jayawardenepura) , Mr Indu Bandara (Additional Director General , Department of Census and Statistics, Ministry of Finance), Ms. Sarah Soysa(Doctors of the World, Founder/Director at Youth Advocacy Network Sri Lanka ) Ms. Hasara Nuwangi (Undergraduate at the University of Peradeniya), Mr. Vidura Ralapanawa(General Manager - Environmental Sustainability at MAS Intimates ), Mr. Chandra Ambuldeniya(ADB), Ms. Swarna Sumanasekera (Chairperson of National Committee on Women), Mr. Lakmal Buddhika (National Youth Services Council).

The participants were divided into four working groups under the titles of Governance, EconomicSocial and Environment and had to discuss and present strategies and actions with regard to Women and Youth Engagement in the National SDG Roadmap.

In his welcome address, the Minister of Sustainable Development & Wild Life Hon. Gamini Jayawickrama Perera said "we have to take the message of sustainable development to the grassroots level, to the villages, schools, via girls and boys scout movement"

youth and women have to get involved in decision making, take up responsibilities wherever you are placed to take this mission forward" which was resonated by many of the prominent speakers at the event which reiterated the need to have a ‘bottom up’ approach to realise the SDG goals for the nation.

The 4 group’s suggestions will be combined into an outcome document and will be presented to the Government in the near future.

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