SRH programmes for differently abled people were held in Mahailluppallama Anuradhapura | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

SRH programmes for differently abled people were held in Mahailluppallama Anuradhapura

SRH programmes for differently abled people were held in Mahailluppallama Anuradhapura at the Visually  handicapped Special Technical School  on the 15th of December and at the Probation and Social Service Department in Kandy on the 18th of December. This event was organized by the Visually Handicapped Graduates Association to raise awareness on basic Sexual and Reproductive Health issues faced by them. The lectures were conducted by Ms Mallika from FPA Sri Lanka’s Happy Life Centre.

As an organization, FPA Sri Lanka upholds the plan of action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and its aspirations for universal access to sexual and reproductive health services. FPA Sri Lanka’s philosophy is that Reproductive Health, is a fundamental human right of every woman and man throughout his/her life cycle.

In Sri Lanka, there are serious discrepancies in providing SRH services especially to vulnerable groups – such as commercial sex workers, MSM (men having sex with men), drug users, persons affected by HIV/AIDS, and displaced and disabled persons.

Therefore, FPA Sri Lanka aims to ensure that all persons, with special emphasis on vulnerable groups, will have equitable access to sexual and reproductive health services and information without any discrimination, restrictive laws, policies or practices.

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