A regional meeting for the member associations (MA) of IPPF South Asia | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

A regional meeting for the member associations (MA) of IPPF South Asia

A regional meeting for the member associations (MA) of IPPF South Asia was held at the Hotel Jet Wing Sea in Negombo on the 20th – 22nd of January. The focus was on Advocacy, Resource Mobilization and Communications. The year 2015 is considered decisive as it is when the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) come to an end and when decisions on what the new SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the new framework would include is decided on.  The inclusion of ‘SRHR for all’ in this new development framework is the key focus.

Therefore MAs at the national level need to influence their respective governments in the framing of the SDGs and in influencing the UN System in finalisation of the same. Sessions were facilitated by senior representatives of the Associations as well as guest speakers specialising in SRHR advocacy. IPPF’s SARYN (SA Regional Youth Network) was also represented at this meeting reiterating the importance of active youth engagement towards achieving the goals outlined. Some of the topics in focus were ‘ current advocacy trends, ‘accountability and transparency of policies with regard to fulfilment of human rights, ‘ working in politically and religiously influenced environments’ and ‘ having an effective and productive relationship with the media’. This successful conference was concluded with an enlightening discussion, where the Presidents of the MA’s shared their experiences and knowledge on SRHR developments, issues faced and efforts made to counter these obstacles. 

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