Promoting disability inclusion in crisis situations – ‘MISP’ training for persons with disabilities | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Promoting disability inclusion in crisis situations – ‘MISP’ training for persons with disabilities

Promoting disability inclusion in crisis situations – ‘MISP’ training for persons with disabilities

In humanitarian settings, people with disabilities are too often neglected in the planning, assessment, design, and delivery of humanitarian aid. Ensuring the inclusion of people with disabilities during an emergency response should be considered a core component of effective humanitarian action.

24 participants representing the Disability organization Joint Front (DOJF), Employee Federation of Ceylon (EmpFed) and Disability group of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura attended an FPA training on Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP), a set of globally agreed upon standards which must be provided in an emergency.

The session covered the topics of SGBV vulnerabilities of persons with disabilities, Maternal and child health, abortion and avoiding unintended pregnancies, family planning, measures to stop the spread STI/HIV during times of crisis, inclusion and the role of persons with disabilities in emergency response.

The resource persons were Dr. Harischandra Yakandawala and Dr. Novil Wijesekara. The programme was held on the 13th and 14th of March 2023 at Granbell Hotel.

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