The National Training of Trainers organised by the ‘Stop the Violence’ Campaign of the Sri Lanka | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

The National Training of Trainers organised by the ‘Stop the Violence’ Campaign of the Sri Lanka

The National Training of Trainers organised by the ‘Stop the Violence’ Campaign of the Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association was held from the 11th- 14th of September. It was organised to train adult leaders (Majority members were teachers) from across the country on the "Voices Against Violence", non-formal educational curriculum co-developed by WAGGS (World Association of Girl Guides) and UN Women. UNICEF Sri Lanka also partnered with SLGGA to integrate their campaign on Child Sexual Abuse to this National Training curriculum. The participants (adult leaders) were trained for 4 days on Gender, gender based violence, child abuse and domestic Violence in order for them to come up with their own action plan to roll out the age appropriate, activity based curriculum, island wide for girl guides under them.

 Mr Thilanga Sumathipala, Hon. Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, Ms Caroline Bakker from UNICEF, Ms Ramaaya Salgado from UN Women, Ms Madu Dissanayake, Director HIV/AIDS and Advocacy, FPA Sri Lanka, with the key officials from World Association of Girl Guides and Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association took part in the inauguration as key partners.

FPA Sri Lanka partnered by training the adult leaders on how to develop their advocacy action plans that support the establishment of CSE through girl guides. 

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