The Little Girl Giant | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

The Little Girl Giant

FPA Sri Lanka sponsored “The Little Girl Giant” by Power of Play PVT LTD which is a giant puppet performance of a little girl who never adhered to cultural/social norms and became the giant she wanted to be. Shows were held on the 9th of July 2018 for the primary students of Bandaranayaka Vidyalaya, Seeduwa and Sri Jothirathana Vidyalaya, Seeduwa and on the 10th for students belonging to David de Silva Junior Secondary School, Negombo and Devamottawa Abayaraja Primary School, Negombo

Objectives of this performance were to:

• Raise awareness on harmful gender stereotyping of young children that limits potential growth.

• Encourage young children to imagine a world without discrimination, where anyone has the freedom to achieve their dreams.

• Enable discussion on how to create gender sensitive spaces that fosters mutual respect and understanding with educators and caregivers.

• Demonstrate the power of story-telling and puppetry as a tool for social change

This initiative, ties in with our Comprehensive Sexuality Education programmes that are carried out island-wide for in and out of school children and youth where topics address human rights principles, diversity, gender equality, rights and empowerment.

Post-performance discussions were also be carried out.

Hon. Sudarshani Fernandopulle was a special invitee at the performance held on the 10th of July 2018.


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