IPPF endorses pleasure-inclusive sexual health via the Pleasure Principles | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

IPPF endorses pleasure-inclusive sexual health via the Pleasure Principles

Ahead of World Sexual Health Day on 4 September 2022, the theme of which is Let's talk pleasure, the world's largest sexual and reproductive healthcare organization, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), is publicly committing to pleasure-inclusive sexual health and rights (SRHR) by endorsing The Pleasure Project's Pleasure Principles.

The seven principles, which include putting rights first, embracing learning, and loving yourself, promote a sex-positive, pleasure-based approach to sex and sexual health as opposed to standard prevention framing, which focuses only on avoiding pregnancy and sexually-transmitted infections (STIs).

The Pleasure Principles are backed by new research with the World Health Organization, which shows that including sexual pleasure in sexual health education improves condom use compared to those that don't and increases knowledge and positive attitudes about sex, ultimately leading to better, safer sex and saving lives in the process.

Read all about it here: https://www.ippf.org/media-center/ippf-endorses-pleasure-inclusive-sexual-health-pleasure-principles


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