Health worker training programme - Strengthening health workforce capacity | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Health worker training programme - Strengthening health workforce capacity

The 3-day programme covered various topics that would enrich knowledge and enable the health workers to provide a comprehensive service to their communities. Topics included an overview of SRH, Family planning – methods and use, Maternal Health, STIs/HIV transmission methods, symptoms and prevention, Sexual Health and issues (Subfertility, Sexual dysfunctions and problems), Abortion (current situation, consequences and prevention of unsafe abortion), Mental Health and Psychosocial support services and referral mechanisms, Gender Based Violence and Sexual Gender Based Violence (Overview of Gender and Sexual orientation, types of GBV, vulnerability and victimization, Screening and Case detection and referrals, GBV specific support services and counselling), Introduction of FPA’s D2D application (supports health workers for recording and reporting service statistics, including stock management) and Roles and responsibilities of a health worker in the community. The programme training methodologies included group work, case study discussions, role plays and intermittent Q&A sessions. This activity is supported by UNFPA Sri Lanka and The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) – ‘Providing Essential Sexual and Reproductive Health Services to Women, Girls and Key Populations’ Project.

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