Global Webinar for IPPF's Member Associations - Organized by the SE Hub | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Global Webinar for IPPF's Member Associations - Organized by the SE Hub

Global Webinar for IPPF's Member Associations - Transforming our Mission - SRH provision as a viable Social Enterprise

The first Social Enterprise Global Webinar for IPPF's Member Associations for 2021 was held on the 31st of March. Organised by IPPF Social Enterprise Hub, the 2.5 hour educative and interactive session titled 'Social Enterprise - Back to Basics' was open to all MAs and Regional staff. Approximately 105 participants (representing 35 MAs) from across the six regions and time zones were in attendance.

The webinar addressed three crucial strategies that need to be accepted and implemented within an MA to enable the first steps towards social enterprising and ensuing sustainability. Namely:

  • Understanding the basics of Social Enterprise and connection to financial sustainability
  • Mind-set shift to embrace the concept of social enterprise
  • Adapting SRHR activities as an income generation model

This session provided an opportunity for the participants to hear first-hand from the Executive Director of FPA Sri Lanka, Thushara Agus and the team at Famia Planea Aruba: Executive Director, Evelyn Yarzagaray, Richenella Dirks (Finance Officer) and Jonathan Trinidad (IEC Coordinator. Their MAs have diversified income sources and established viable social enterprises with positive business continuity despite the continuing COVID crisis. Dr. Walter Mswaka (Former Manager – Social Enterprise Hub at IPPF), who is now a consultant, joined as an external speaker to share valuable knowledge and practical steps on how to build a sustainable social enterprise business model.

The webinar concluded with an overview and Q&A of the new round of seed grants currently being offered by the Hub. 

At the session, conducted via Zoom, simultaneous interpretations were offered in Spanish, Arabic and French and all session content was circulated among the participants post-session. All effort is being made to guarantee Webinars are accessible in all IPPF languages to enable wider participation and engagement within the Federation.

The individual presentations and the intermittent Q&A sessions and polls carried out were well received with a steady flow of engaging and thought-provoking questions and comments from the participants.

Click here to access the Webinar recording (available only in English).

Passcode: SEhub@123

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