FPA Sri Lanka - working towards improving health outcomes following emergencies and disasters | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPA Sri Lanka - working towards improving health outcomes following emergencies and disasters

Access to basic health services, including sexual and reproductive health is a challenge during disaster events, especially for those affected families which have had to re-locate to temporary shelters. Social groups including women, children, adolescents, youth the elderly and other minorities are often more disadvantaged. As such, two health clinics were held for the benefit of those affected by the recent extreme weather events in Kalutara and Matara districts. The first clinic was held on Saturday the 10th of June in Agalawatte in the Kalutara District and the second clinic was held on Sunday the 11th of June in Devinuwara in the Matara District.

This intervention was held as part of the Humanitarian Assistance though Implementation of Minimum Initial Service Package project (SPRINT Project) supported by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of the Government of Australia.

FPA Sri Lanka Volunteers including Major Shirley Silva (IEC committee member), Mr Errol Smith, (Treasurer, National Council Member), Dr Zaneefar Drahaman, Mr. Buddhika Lakmal and Youth Committee member Miss. Chathurika Jayalath also participated and helped the day’s proceedings.




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