FPA Sri Lanka welcomes IPPF Accreditation team! | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPA Sri Lanka welcomes IPPF Accreditation team!

FPA Sri Lanka has been a Member Association of IPPF since 1954, was last accredited in 2017 and commencing the 4th cycle of accreditation. IPPF's accreditation system requires all MAs to meet 10 fundamental principles and 33 separate standards as a condition for accredited membership. What is accreditation? At its simplest level, IPPF's accreditation system is a formalized peer review that aims to ensure that all the Federation's Member Associations meet and comply with essential membership standards. The review visit is scheduled from today, the 24th – 28th of July. The review will consist of meetings with the Board of Directors, Senior Management, key staff members, the Association's main Partner Organisations and field visits to a few of our Service Delivery Points and clinics. We welcome the team, which comprises Mr. Ashish Kumar (Senior Technical Advisor – Institutional Development & Governance Support, IPPF SARO) Garima Sharma (SARO) Dr. Manisha Bhise (Director Advocacy & Resource Mobilization - FPA India), Mr. Hussain Haleem (Chairperson - SHE Maldives), Dr. Nabaraj Dhakal (Director of Finance - FPA Nepal). From FPA's Board, representatives attending today's meeting are, Ms. Aruni Marcelline (President), Kusum De Silva (Vice President), Anuki Premachandra (General Secretary), Mr. Chandima Gunawardena (Past President) and Ms. Shehara De Silva (Chairperson MarCom) joined via Zoom.

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