FPA Sri Lanka at the IPPF South Asia Regional Meeting | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPA Sri Lanka at the IPPF South Asia Regional Meeting

FPA Sri Lanka at the IPPF South Asia Regional Meeting The meeting took place in Delhi from the 22nd-25th of August 2023. The 4 day meeting comprised differently themed sessions. The FPA delegation includes Dr. Ruchitha Perera (Executive Director Designate), Mrs. Shehara De Silva-Chairperson MarCom Committee, Board of Directors, Ms. Anuki Premachandra (General Secretary, Board of Directors), Mr. Suchira Suranga (Director - Organizational learning & Evaluation) and Kritaanjali Ratnasabapathy, Youth Member. ‘I attended as the newly appointed Executive Director (Designate) of FPA Sri Lanka, mainly to meet the key stakeholders, the IPPF regional community and the SARO MA’s. 

I was also keen to learn about the new strategic direction of IPPF and its commitments. I learnt about SARYN initiatives, strategy and value alignment, rebranding and a deep dive towards the Strategy’s 4 pillars. I think IPPF has understood that more changes are inevitable, not limiting its efforts to family planning to serve our communities. Traditional values such as respect for individual autonomy, access to information and services, gender equality, inclusivity and diversity, quality of care, advocacy and human rights, partnership and collaboration and the sustainability principles have been integrated when developing the 4 pillar strategy. The intention will be to align the IPPF strategy with ours. FPA’s strategy is aimed at being sustainable and self-sufficient whilst being relevant. The challenge in Sri Lanka would be to integrate our history and cultural values and blend core elements of the ‘Come Together’ strategy. Not forgetting the youth of our nation who will play a pivotal role in implementing the IPPF and FPA strategy’. - Dr. Ruchitha Perera (Executive Director Designate) 

‘The experience was truly remarkable, as it brought together representatives from all South Asian Member Associations (MA). During the workshop, each MA candidly shared their visionary insights regarding the new strategy, its harmonization with the IPPF global strategy, and the distinct challenges they face. The sessions dedicated to rebranding, anti-racism, and intersectionality were particularly enlightening, fostering a fresh perspective and encouraging innovative thinking. This event not only allowed me to proudly represent FPA Sri Lanka but also provided a profound glimpse into a significant milestone. It served as an eye-opening experience, shaping my outlook for future involvements, given the forward-looking nature of the strategies discussed’ - Mr. Suchira Suranga (Director - Organizational Learning & Evaluation) 

‘The programme was quite enlightening. We met many warm and inspiring people from across the region, from the IPPF main board and South Asia regional counterparts. The interaction was good as a networking and contacts exercise, especially as I am new to the board and FPA Sri Lanka. The strategy sessions were useful to get a sense of the regional priorities and points of view as to the growth priorities and challenges within the region. The branding exercise and discussions around the future identity of IPPF were exploratory’. - Mrs. Shehara De Silva- Chairperson MarCom Committee, Board of Directors. 

The past week has been a whirlwind of excitement and hard work! We've been diving headfirst into shaping the fantastic foundation of the South Asia Regional Youth Network (SARYN) of IPPF, South Asia Region. Picture this: a bunch of us coming together, brainstorming like mad, and setting the stage for something truly amazing. 
We really believe that SARYN can help kick-start big changes. We want to speak up for young people's rights about their bodies and health and make sure everyone gets good healthcare, no matter where they're from. And we're all about treating everyone fairly, no picking favorites! - Anuki Premachandra - General Secretary, Board of Directors and youth representative.  

‘I learned a lot during the 3 days of sessions I attended. I met so many people from around South Asia in different areas of expertise. The value alignment sessions that we had as SARYN were very helpful. There was also a session to assess our values and mindset regarding the LGBTIQ community, which I found incredibly insightful. The strategy sessions helped us to identify our national priorities as youth’. - Kritaanjali Ratnasabapathy, Youth Member.

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