FPA Sri Lanka affirms solidarity with IPPF regarding the Global Gag Rule | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPA Sri Lanka affirms solidarity with IPPF regarding the Global Gag Rule

The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump issued an executive memorandum last week which imposed an expanded version of the already harmful global gag rule, also known as the Mexico City Policy. 

The global gag rule as reinstated by Donald Trump prevents international organizations from receiving any U.S. global health assistance if they provide, counsel, refer or advocate for abortion services -- even if they are doing so with their own, non-U.S., funds and even if abortion is legal in their own country.

Previously the “gag” policy applied only to international family planning funds but the expansion of the policy now affects all global health funding programs which also addresses HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health. It will set back years of gains made to advance the health and well-being of communities worldwide and could undercut health care access for millions worldwide. 

IPPF and its members associations will consequently lose substantial resources as a result of the policy. Clinics may be forced to close thereby causing women to lose access to contraception, resulting in more unintended pregnancies and more unsafe abortions. 

Therefore, IPPF encouraged its regional offices and Member Associations around the world to sign an international statement opposing the reinstatement of the global gag rule. FPA Sri Lanka did so, together with an online campaign which reiterated IPPF’s statement of opposition.  





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