Expansion of outreach activities- New Service Delivery Point | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Expansion of outreach activities- New Service Delivery Point

FPA Sri Lanka plans to establish a new Service Delivery Point in the Wathupitiwela Free Trade Zone.

The majority of people employed in Sri Lanka’s garment industry, are young women who migrate from rural areas of the country seeking economic opportunity. These female garment workers represent a significant proportion of the country’s labor force, as well as a substantial segment of the population of young women of reproductive age. For those women who successfully find jobs in a factory, the resulting moderate wages and long hours, and sometimes difficult conditions can limit the time and/or resources available to maintain their health and well-being. In addition to inadequate knowledge of important aspects of sexual and reproductive health, these workers struggle to access quality, affordable and confidential health services.

We, through our strategically located Service Delivery Points provide information and services to address the reproductive health/family planning needs of this vulnerable population.

As a first step, an Advocacy Programme was held on the 17th of July for eighteen, HR Managers of the factories in the EPZ. The objective being, to advocate to them, about FPA Sri Lanka's service delivery points and the services on offer.

Resource persons - Dr. Yakandawala- Director Medical at FPA Sri Lanka and Mr. Rajapakse - Head of Outreach

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