Dialogue on HIV prevention, Human Rights and Gender | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Dialogue on HIV prevention, Human Rights and Gender

An interactive dialogue took place on the 11th November, 2017 for paralegal officers of the Legal Aid Commission of Sri Lanka. 97 paralegal officers representing all the branches of the Legal Aid Commission of Sri Lanka participated in this dialogue. The main focus was on the importance of addressing health, legal and social issues experienced by MSM and TG groups for HIV prevention. A special emphasis was placed on the role of the participants, as paralegal officers, on HIV prevention among MSM and TG groups and its contribution to the national HIV response. Dr. Thiloma Munasinghe – Public Health Specialist, Dr. Janaki Vidanapthirana – Consultant Community Physician and Mr. Ajith Rohana – Deputy Inspector General of Police provided the technical background related to health, legal and social issues faced by MSM and TG groups which has an impact on HIV prevention.

எங்களிடமிருந்து வரும் சமீபத்திய செய்திகளைப் பெற குழுசேரவூம்

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