Community Voices - Community Consultation on National HIV/STI Strategic Plan (NSP) 2023-2030 | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Community Voices - Community Consultation on National HIV/STI Strategic Plan (NSP) 2023-2030

The National STD/ AIDS Control Programme (NSACP) is currently drafting the National HIV/STI Strategic Plan for 2023-2030. The National Strategic Plan (NSP) articulates a clear vision to guide Sri Lanka's response to HIV and will be the guiding document for Sri Lanka's response to HIV/ STI over the next seven years. This plan takes into consideration the goal of Ending AIDS in 2030 in Sri Lanka and, as such, has prioritised activities to expand, intensify and diversify the response to be undertaken by both government and nongovernment sectors with a coordinated and unified approach.

Following the first technical working group meeting, NSACP shared some preliminary information about the NSP at the Country Dialogue held on the 9th of September at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute. The meeting was meant to "Identify new strategies/activities and obtain consensual agreement for the recommendation in support of the development of the NSP" and saw various stakeholders express interest and commitment to support this important exercise.

The Sustainability of HIV Services for Key Populations in Southeast Asia (SKPA-2) with the objective of supporting Programmatic Sustainability conducted two meetings over two days with community representatives working with Key Populations (KP) and Vulnerable Populations in the area of HIV prevention to ensure significant and effective key population and Community Based Organization's involvement in National strategic planning.

The ongoing Community Consultation and the recommendations developed will support the KP communities, including Men who have sex with men, Transgender persons, Female Sex workers, Injecting drug users and Tourism Service-providers with the space and mechanism to influence national policy to ensure that service providers and other stakeholders place communities in the center of conversations about HIV prevention and care services.

The SKPA team is committed to supporting the process of developing the Community Voices recommendations and thereby supporting the technical working group to develop the NSP



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