Community Check-in on TG Health Services | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Community Check-in on TG Health Services

A community check-in meeting with members from the transgender community and representatives of organisations providing services for transgender persons was held as part of a series of consultations with the Transgender community on the Transgender specific healthcare clinic planned under SKPA1. The proposed Transgender Healthcare Clinic, when established, is envisioned as a facility to respond to the very specific health needs of the Transgender community in Sri Lanka as committed to providing quality care at an affordable price point.

The check-in with the community was to discuss the changes following the economic crisis but also to ascertain if the changed ground realities would need to inform some of the plans for the clinic. New structures to ensure community involvement was discussed, and a facilitating institution was identified to host the clinic.

SKPA2 intends to establish the clinic together with community stakeholders and will pilot the project in the coming months.

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