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The UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health (APPG on PD & RH) study tour to Sri Lanka.
Reproductive Health programme for students of Pelmadulla Maha Vidyalaya by Happy Life Centre
Media workshop on SRH
Medical clinics and mobile clinics conducted in October by the Outreach Unit ( Maradana and Nuwaraeliya)
National meetings on Health & Human Rights for HIV precautions among MSM / TG Communities
Alokaya Counselling Centre in collaboration with Shanthi Maargam conducts a training on responding to adolescents needs
2014 Annual Report of FPA Sri Lanka wins three awards at the 29th International ARC Awards competition
IPPF Youth Champion stars in Frangipani
Stamina wins award at ACEF Forum and Awards 2015
Media Advocacy meeting- HIV
CSE Workshop for the members of the Gampaha Association for the Deaf
Workshop for Healthcare workers on stigma and discrimination