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Workshop on GBV for GPs in the Puttalam and Anuradhapura districts
Aids Day Walk 2016
Stress Management Workshop
Asia-Pacific Regional Sprint Team Meeting to discuss Sexual & Reproductive Health in Emergencies ( Bangkok)
Dealer meetings in Ambalangoda, Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura
International Day of the Girl Child 2016
Sensitization meeting on Human Rights, HIV and SOGIE for law enforcement officers.
International ARC awards 2016
Global Fund South to south exchange visit
Happy Life Centre participating at the Well-being Exhibition, Kuruwita
Ms Anjali Sen, IPPF South Asia Regional Director, visits FPA Sri Lanka SDPs
A programme dealing with the topics of SRH, Family Planning, STI’s and STD’s at Linea Aqua (MAS) in Kirindiwela