Vaginal Discharges | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Vaginal Discharges

Vaginal discharges are normal and helps to keep your vagina moist and comfortable.



Normal vaginal discharge is clear or white. When it dries on your underwear it looks yellow and has a slight smell.

Vaginal discharge changes throughout your menstrual cycle. During your most fertile time, about 15 or 16 days before your period, there is more discharge. It is slippery and clear.

Many useful bacteria live in your vagina. They keep harmful bacteria under control. They cause a slight smell which is completely normal. Normal vaginal discharge can change from day to day.

It is often heavier:

  • midway between periods 
  • when you have an IUD 
  • during pregnancy 
  • after sexual intercourse 

There is less discharge:

  • when breast feeding 
  • after menopause 
  • when using the contraceptive injection 




A vaginal discharge is not normal when it:

  • itches or irritates 
  • smells unpleasant 
  • changes colour

It is also not normal to have:

  • bleeding between periods 
  • uncomfortable or painful sexual intercourse 
  • lower abdominal pain. 

Any of these can be a sign of infection. If you notice any of them see your health professional. This is very important if you think you could have a sexually transmissible infection (STI).


You can call the FPA Sri Lanka hotline on 077 9552979

Steps for good vaginal health

  • wash your genital area daily 
  • do not douche 
  • wipe yourself from front to back after a bowel motion 
  • wear cotton underwear 
  • avoid perfumed soaps and coloured toilet paper as they can have chemicals that cause irritation. 

If you are experiencing any discomfort, please call our hotline: 077 955 2979

Vaginal discharge can also mean you have a SEXUALLY TRANSMISSIBLE DISEASE.

Many STDs such as gonorrhoea and chlamydia have no symptoms.

However, in some people they can cause:

  • a smelly, yellow or irritating discharge 
  • unusual bleeding 
  • abdominal pain 
  • painful sexual intercourse. 

If there is the slightest chance you might have an STD see a health professional, such as The Family Planning Association for a check-up. Hotline: 077 955 2979

To learn more about STDs:

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