Sex isn’t that interesting anymore? | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Sex isn’t that interesting anymore?

A lack of interest in sexual activity is also known as a low sex drive or loss of libido. This is a common problem experienced by both men and women, occurring at any point in their lives, and there are multiple reasons as to why this happens. 

Symptoms can include a lack of interest in sexual arousal, feelings, sexual thoughts, and even a desire to have sex. This can happen gradually or even suddenly. It may also be a short-term concern or a long-term issue. Persons experiencing other sexual problems like erectile dysfunction in men and vaginismus or painful sex in women, may also have a lack of sexual interest. 

Common causes of low libido include, but are not limited to:

  • Pregnancy
  • Postpartum or the breastfeeding period
  • Menopause
  • Pre-existing stress or a life-changing event, or a new onset mental health condition like burnout, anxiety or depression
  • Pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes, thyroid illness or cancer
  • Sexual dysfunction like vaginismus or erectile dysfunction
  • Strained relationship 
  • Excessive alcohol intake or the misuse of illicit substances/drugs 
  • Medication – antidepressant or high blood pressure medication
  • Some hormonal contraceptives may also affect libido


Treatment options

There are many therapeutic options for a lack of sexual interest including psychological and medical treatments. It is important to consult a medical doctor so that the underlying cause of a low libido can be identified, and appropriate treatment can be started.  

Simple lifestyle changes like ensuring a balanced diet and regularly exercising can help alleviate stress, thereby improving sexual desire.

Psychological treatments include counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy, which involves refocusing a person’s thoughts and helping them develop coping mechanisms for mental health issues. This is useful for persons with relationship problems and psychological issues like stress and depression. Sex therapy may be beneficial if there are relationship problems, prioritizing relationship intimacy to encourage sexual desire, thoughts and feelings. 

Controlling underlying medical conditions like diabetes and sexual health conditions like erectile dysfunction with medical treatment, can help improve interest for sexual activity. Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications can improve psychological conditions. 

Change of certain medication or contraception can also help improve libido. Fluctuations in hormones, such as the decrease in oestrogen during menopause or altered testosterone levels in older men, can be improved with hormonal supplements. 

It is important to remember that a loss of libido is a very common concern for many persons, and is nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone’s sex drive will change often over their lifetime and will never consistently be at one level. With effective therapies available, it is important to seek medical consultation early to help improve sexual function. 


The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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