About FPA Sri Lanka | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

About FPA Sri Lanka

The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka (FPA Sri Lanka), established in 1953, has been a steadfast and pioneering advocate for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Sri Lanka. With over 70 years of operational history, FPASL has evolved into a comprehensive organization, adept at addressing the diverse needs of communities.

FPA Sri Lanka's extensive experience includes a variety of initiatives aimed at promoting the health, safety, and rights of people. Our expertise spans critical SRH domains, including family planning and contraception, well-woman care, obstetrics services, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV, gender and gender-based violence, and advocacy interventions.

Our team of professionals is equipped with the technical know-how and networks to provide comprehensive services tailored to the unique needs of diverse demographics.

  • To provide adequate information and services
  • Training and interventions
  • Seeking to improve the acceptability, accessibility and the quality of SRH
  • To integrate human rights based and gender sensitive approaches

Through the above focus we work to safe guard and fulfil reproductive Health related needs of the people. As an organization we uphold the commitment of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and its aspirations for universal access to sexual and reproductive Health services as a significant factor in combating poverty.

We contribute to improve the accessibility of a wide range of sexual and reproductive Health services by incorporating the following into our work:

  • family Planning and contraception
  • Safe Motherhood (including components related to unplanned pregnancies)
  • Sexually transmitted infections (including HIV/AIDS)
  • SRH information and counselling for adolescents and youth
  • Promotion of mental health and provision of counselling
  • Sub-fertility treatment and counselling


A country with access to Sexual and Reproductive Health as a right to all


To advocate Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and provide services whilst maintaining sustainability and volunteerism to improve quality of life for all.

Core Values

  • Passion - We are passionate about what we do
  • Volunteerism - We believe in the spirit of volunteerism as central to achieving our goals and ideals
  • Accountability - We value participatory, consensus-oriented, accountable and transparent decision making
  • Diversity - We believe in diversity and equality in extending our services to everyone who needs them
  • Inclusiveness - We uphold social inclusion and non-discrimination

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