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Peer Educator Trainings - GFATM project - February 2018
Alokaya Counselling Centre at "The Wedding Show ":16-18th February,BMICH
CSE workshops at Ruwanwella Technical College and Kannaththota, Sulaimaniya College, Ruwanwella- February 2018
Peer Educator Training - 7-9th February - supported by the Global Fund & NSACP
Mr Rajeev Ragta from IPPF, SARO and Mr Tripathi from HISP India visit H/O and Koggala SDP to observe the MEIMS system in action - 9/2
National Policy and Strategy on Health of Young Persons-Consultative meeting on the work plan with decision makers of the provincial council.- 8/2
Social Enterprise Acceleration Group (SEAG) Delegates visit Koggala and Galle-19.01.2018
IPPF Social Enterprise Acceleration Group (SEAG) Meeting -17 - 18 January 2018.
Launch of SKYN, the next generation condom - 4.01.2018
Medical clinic at ETF office
Levis project in action - clean water at Deraniyagala Devananda Vidyalaya
IPPF South Asia Region SARO 2018 Annual Programme and Budget Review Meeting