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Capacity Building Workshop on Social and Behaviour Change - 29/4 - 3/5/2019
Meeting at the Chief Secretary's Secretariat of the Northern Provincial Council- 9/4/2019
A discussion on 'Strengthening M&E Systems through spot checking to improve data quality' of the Global Fund HIV/AIDS prevention programme 6/5/2019
World Health Day 2019
Wathupitiwela SDP Opening 2/4/2019
Gender Based Violence Training for staff on SPRINT Project - 6-8th March
FPA Sri Lanka at the Young Connectors of the Future programme -27/28th February 2019
CSE programme at the Vocational Training Institute, Avisawella, 26-28th February 2019
Knowledge Exchange Visit - Botswana & Togo -February 2019
IPPF Reframing Training -7,8th March 2019
Medical camp at Jay Jay Mills factory, Avissawella - 8/3/2-19
STI Awareness Programme - Hidramani Avissawella - 4/3/2019