Emergency Contraceptives | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka
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Rs 295.00

An emergency contraceptive pill to be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse - failure or incorrect use of a regular contraceptive, after rape or incest. You can either take both the tablets together or take one tablet and take the other one 12 hours later. Efficacy depends on the time of consumption. If taken early the effectiveness is definitely more. Does not cause an abortion and should not be used as a regular contraceptive method. 

Rs 400.00

Postinor One is a single dose oral emergency contraceptive pill. This also should be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse. This regime allows you to take only 1 pill which is more hassle free than taking 2 pills. If taken early the effectiveness is definitely more. Does not cause an abortion and should not be used as a regular contraceptive method.  

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